We are heading up a Police Week Memorial Workout. This event honors officers, deputies, agents, and members of law enforcement agencies who have been killed in the line of duty. This functional fitness workout is an opportunity to remember those who sacrificed their lives in the name of justice. I will be doing the workout on Police Memorial Day, Friday, May 15th, 2009, at CrossFit DuPage, between 1600-1900hrs. All are welcomed to attend!! If that time is not good, Nate at CF DuPage welcomes participants to come in during regular gym hours that week.
- Workout is: 75 repetitions of moving 75 pounds from the floor to overhead. As fast as possible.
- Score: The time it takes to complete all 75 repetitions.
- Equipment: Participants can use a barbell, single dumbbell, kettlebell, ammo can, sandbag, or whatever weighs 75 pounds.
- Rules: The weight goes from touching the floor to locked-out overhead for each repetition. Each repetition must be lowered under control to the ground. Use one or two hands to raise and lower the weight. Rest as needed. Time stops when the 75th repetition is lowered to the ground.
- Movement Options: Clean and Press, Clean and Jerk, Snatch, or whatever technique fits the above rules.
- Modifications: The prescribed weight is 75 pounds. Scale the weight down if necessary, based on your abilities. The prescribed female weight is 50 pounds. Be sure to include your weight used in your results.
Participants are asked to perform this workout in memory of a specific downed officer. Those of you who do not know a fallen officer can find one at the Officer Down Memorial Page. While I recommend doing this among friends, I trust we can each do this "on our honor." Participants who cannot make it to the gym are encouraged to complete it sometime during Police Week (May 10th-16th) and send me the results. Results can be posted here in comments, or emailed to me at louis.hayes@comcast.net Each participant should record:
- Participant's name, age (optional), agency (if applicable)
- Participant's time, and choice of weight (BB, DB, KB, other)
- Honored officer's name, agency, and End of Watch (EOW)
NOTE: The workout is based on the CrossFit Heroes workout RANDY. It was named after Randal Simmons of LAPD SWAT, who was murdered in February 2008. Read about Randy here on the Officer Down Memorial Page.
Edit on 05-05-09 to announce the date/location of the event. LH
Anyone traveling to DC for the Police Memorial...
I have been in touch with Patrick from Crossfit Capital Hill (DC). In typical Crossfit fashion, he has agreed to let me use his facility/ equipment for the Memorial Workout.
Anyone going to DC and interested, let me know and I'll see what we can work out. I am planning on doing my workout in the late afternoon on May 12th.
Be safe! -Tony J.
Police Week Workout from FOB SHIELD in Baghdad Iraq.
Brian Bertnik 36 YOA (NCIS) 6:22 with Barbell. In honor of Ofc Melvin Earl Collins Brunswick Police Department, Georgia.
Ken Davis 53 YOA (DEA Retired) 10:02 with Barbell. In honor of Frank Fernandez DEA.
Steve Cole 53 YOA (Irvine CA PD) 29:00 with Barbell. In Honor of Senior Corporal Victor Antonio Lozada SR. Dallas Police Department.
Brian Bertnik did a second 75 with barbell untimed in honor of Det. Robert Eugene Beane, Beauregard Parish Sheriff's Office, Louisana.
That seems like a helluva challenge. What is the significance of using 75 lbs and 75 reps?
9:51 with Barbell.
I got owned.
In honor of Senior Border Patrol Agent Luis Alberto Aguilar
United States Border Patrol
Lou: OBPD will be doing it on Friday at 1230 hrs in The Cage. I will post ALL results, times, and officers that afternoon.
Matt Ashton 35 YOA (NCIS) from Kabul Afghanistan 6:23 with barbell. In honor of Ofc Melvin Earl Collins Brunswick Police Department, Georgia.
As rx'd 4:56
In honor of Patrolman Harold F. Olsen
Chicago Police Department
End of Watch: Saturday, June 13, 1925
I did this workout with double kettlebells (a 14k and a 16k) doing double cleans and presses. I had no chalk so it took me 24:36 minutes because I had to keep stopping the wipe off the kbs and my hands.
In memory of Officer Amy Donovan, Austin Police Department,
EOW 31 October 2004
Jon Schmalensee, 27m 6' 170#, Federal Bureau of Prisons
9:02, 75# on a barbell, with iron weights.
Correctional Officer Jose Rivera, FBOP, and EOW June 20th, 2008.
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