I posted an important document on a file-sharing site. It's called the Personal Commitment Contract. What's so critical about this form is how it immortalizes YOUR rules and guidelines for diet and exercise. Complete it, sign it, and post it on your refrigerator at home or in your workspace. Here's a guide on how to fill it out:
- Absolute - are rigid rules that are NOT broken during the two-month campaign. These are steadfast promises. For example, some of my "Absolute Stop Consuming" entries are: chocolate, sweets, ice cream, soda, french fries, chips, pizza, and alcohol. One of my "Absolute Start Performing" is ensuring I complete my dynamic stretching routine before ALL workouts.
- Soft - are guidelines which are less strict. These might be foods that you will not completely avoid, but severely limit intake. For example, some of my "Soft Stop Consuming" entries are: white potatoes, rice, bread, and pasta.
- Dietary (Input) Advice - I will be posting tidbits on nutrition in the near future. Much of the advice will be based on natural foods -- those found on the perimeter of a grocery store, like lean meats, veggies, and fruits. The advice will also focus on the Glycemic Index. Begin with a few google searches on Hunter-Gatherer Diet, The Zone Diet, or Glycemic Index to get a jump start on your Personal Commitment Contract.
- Activity (Output) Advice - I will be posting ideas to help with your "rules." In the meantime, browse through this blog's Exercises of the Week posts. Those 40+ posts will surely keep you busy for now.
You have two options for obtaining the Personal Commitment Contract. Either download it from the Scribd site linked above, or email me so I can get you the Word document. Fill it out and hold yourself accountable. You can keep it as private or public as YOU'd like.
Reminder: If you'd like to get onto The Hard Routine confidential email list, send me a note.
Im in Lou....please add me to the list.
May I use this program for my PD (and give you credit), or should I direct them to Trinity Training Group?
Email me and let me know what you need. It would probably be easier to just refer them to TTG, but I'll send you anything you need to get this up and going....
Lou...I've sent this out to my department and have referred to your blog (and you) as friends). Hope that's OK?
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