We are here. Day One.
The irony of commitment is that it's deeply liberating - in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and paraade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life.
--Anne Morriss, Starbucks customer from New York City. She describes herself as an "organization builder, restless American citizen, optimist."
I read that on a Starbucks coffee cup a year ago, and has somehow stuck in my mind since then. I find it to be applicable today as we begin our Hard Routine. Recall the fresh commitment you've made to fitness, health, and wellness whenever you are met with temptation...whether it knock in the form of laziness, cookies, or bad attitude.
Going to go with the Hunter-Gatherer diet. Went shopping today and bought nothing but chicken, fish, fruits and veggies...lets do this thing!
Day one down. De 'supersized" myself from a Venti nonfat latte, to a grande. The plan is to end at a tall. Ate 1/2 an order of whole wheat pasta and subsituted veggies for more pasta. It was delicious! Plan also includes inspirational reading every day. Good luck everyone with your routine!
Committed to not eat anything standing up at the kitchen island. This is where I do my most damage.
Hey Lou,
Thanks for the Hard Routine Lou... needed something to get my ass back to working out after football hell.
Started 9/30.
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