CrossFit Lumberjack is promoting a memorial workout for the victims of mass murder in Fort Hood, Texas. The Lumberjack 20 is no joke.
- Lumberjack 20
- 20 deadlifts (275#)
- ---Run 400m
- 20 KB swings (55#)
- ---Run 400m
- 20 OHS (115#)
- ---Run 400m
- 20 burpees
- ---Run 400m
- 20 pullups (C2B)
- ---Run 400m
- 20 box jumps (24")
- ---Run 400m
- 20 DB squat cleans (45# ea)
- ---Run 400m
Not sure when or where, but WE ARE DOING THIS. The official participation date is Dec 5th.
As you can see, the RXed loads and ROMs are daunting. Don't let this turn you away. Either scale the loads, or bring a lunch. For those of you who cannot DL at 275#, maybe drop it to 185#. If you cannot do Chest-to-Bar pullups, do chin-over-bar pullups.
1 comment:
Well, I set out to do this as RXed, but could not stand the 12th OHS up....had to scale the OHS down to 95# for the last 9 reps. Ran the 400s on a treadmill. Finished in 46:50.
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