Day Seven.
So, how is everyone progressing? With a week down, I hope a groove has been greased.
Things are moving along quite well on my end. My diet has been clean (but maybe still too much volume). My activity is great. Our pantry is relatively void of the stuff we're avoiding, and the fridge is packed with the healthy stuff. Our meals have been looking a lot like a caveman's dinner: animals and veggies. I've been craving sweets late at night, but staying strong!!!
REGARDING PHYSICAL ACTIVITY DURING THE HARD ROUTINE: A couple requests have come in about help designing or following a more STRUCTURED workout program. Start flooding your brain with some of these ideas. Most of these sites list some sort of a free daily workout.
Village of Westmont IL - "Fit For Duty" Program. http://wpdfitforduty.blogspot.com with two daily versions:
- Daily Workout
- Healthy Focus Workout (beginners)
CrossFit Brand X scaled workouts. Brand X takes the otherwise intimidating daily CrossFit WOD and adjusts (or "scales") it into several ability levels, as well as adjustments for lack of required equipment.
- Buttercups (easiest)
- Puppies
- Pack
- The Porch
- Big Dawgs (most difficult)
Monkey Bar Gym. Monkey Bar Gym is also a good resource that lists some daily scaled workouts:
- MonkeyBar Gym
- Athlete Workout
- Travel Workout
- Weight Loss Workout
Prison Workouts continue to be a favorite. PWO1 uses nothing more than floor space and a pullup bar. PWO2 adds a single kettlebell. I'd guess there are no fewer than twenty doing the PWOs during The Hard Routine.
We can go on and on about each of these. For now....browse to see various formats and watch a lot of VIDEO!
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